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Top 5 Reasons Why Python is Popular

Why python programming is popular?

In this article we cover why python is popular. so many people talking about python when it comes to programming language?

Why Python programming is so popular?

There are plenty of reasons why python is popular but we cover only main top reasons.
You can see StackOverflow survey for 2019.

You can see StackOverflow survey for 2020.

You can full insight which programming language is most lovable, used or dead. You can also see which framework is most lovable, used or dead by developers survey.

So now lets go for Why Python is become popular nowadays?

1.Python language is simple and easy for beginners.
  • You know also python is so simple and easy when it comes to other languages.
  • So many beginner programmers choose python for development.
  • And also its syntax is so easy then other programming language. like in java if you want to simple run "Hello World" example you have to define class define main method and then you can print, but in python you can simple use print statement and work is done.
        print("Hello World")

2.Python have most active community

  • Python was created 30 years ago, which is lots of time for any community to grow and learn in depth any programming language.
  • So python contains great programming community which helps to all developers from beginners to expert level.
  • Python contains plenty of documentation. Documentation is great things for learn any language.

3. Libraries and Frameworks

It is great advantage of python language that python contains so many great and awesome libraries and frameworks.
Libraries and framework makes task easy and simple for developer.

You can refer python libraries in following link:-

Top 10 Python libraries
  • PyTorch
  • NumPy
  • OpenCV
  • Requests
  • Pandas
  • Tensorflow
  • SciPy
  • IPython
  • SciKit-Learn
  • Beautiful Soup
And lists go on....

Top Python frameworks
  • Django
  • Flask
  • Web2Py
And list go on....

4. Used in big and future Trends

  • You already know python is so popular for Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Big Data, Machine Learning and so on big tech.
  • It is used in hot trends like above we discussed.
  • Lots of many data processing workloads in the organization are powered by python language only.
  • Most of the research and development takes place in python language due to its many applications, including ease of analyzing and organizing the usable data.
  • Not only this, but hundreds of python libraries are being used in thousands of machine learning projects every day, such as TensorFlow for neural networks and OpenCV for computer vision, etc.

5. Python is Efficient, Reliable and Versatile

  • Python language is so flexible that it gives the developer the chance to try something new.
  • The person who is an expert in python language is not just limited to build similar kinds of things but can also go on to try to make something different than before.
  • One more best thing about versatility of python language is that it can be used in many varieties of environments such as mobile applications, desktop applications, web development, hardware programming, and many more.
  • The versatility of python makes it more attractive to use due to its high number of applications.
These are main reasons for Python is so Popular.
But there is plenty of another reasons by that python is most favourite and most lovable language for most programmer, coders and ,any organizations.

So share this article to your friends, peers or anyone who want to know why python is become popuplar day by day.

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