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Apple and Orange Hackerrank solution in Java | Java 8 solution

Java 8 solution for Apple and Orange HackerRank problem 

Apple and Orange solution using java 8

Sam's house has an apple tree and an orange tree that yield an abundance of fruit. Using the information given below, determine the number of apples and oranges that land on Sam's house. 

In the diagram below:

  • The red region denotes the house, where s is the start point, and t is the endpoint. The apple tree is to the left of the house, and the orange tree is to its right. 
  • Assume the trees are located on a single point, where the apple tree is at point a, and the orange tree is at point b.
  • When a fruit falls from its tree, it lands d units of distance from its tree of origin along the x-axis. *A negative value of d means the fruit fell d units to the tree's left, and a positive value of d means it falls d units to the tree's right.

Apple and Orange problem description


Given the value of d for m apples and n oranges, determine how many apples and oranges will fall on Sam's house (i.e., in the inclusive range [s, t])?

For example, Sam's house is between s = 7 and t = 10. The apple tree is located at a = 4 and the orange at b = 12. There are m = 3 apples and n = 3 oranges. Apples are thrown apples = [2, 3, -4] units distance from a, and oranges =[3, -2, -4] units distance. Adding each apple distance to the position of the tree, they land at [4 + 2, 4 + 3, 4 + -4] = [6, 7, 0]. Oranges land at [12 + 3, 12 + -2, 12 + -4] = [15, 10, 8]. One apple and two oranges land in the inclusive range 7 - 10 so we print 


See full problem description on HackerRank :

Lets see solution.

Solution 1 : Apple and Orange solution using for loop

import java.math.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import static;
import static;

class Result {

    public static void countApplesAndOranges(int s, int t, int a, int b,
            List<Integer> apples, List<Integer> oranges) {
        int totalApples = 0;
        for (Integer apple : apples) {
            if ((a + apple) >= s &&  (a + apple) <= t) {
        int totalOranges = 0;
        for (Integer orange : oranges) {
            if ((b + orange) >= s &&  (b + orange) <= t) {
        System.out.print(totalApples + "\n" +totalOranges);


public class Solution {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

        String[] firstMultipleInput = bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" ");

        int s = Integer.parseInt(firstMultipleInput[0]);

        int t = Integer.parseInt(firstMultipleInput[1]);

        String[] secondMultipleInput = bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" ");

        int a = Integer.parseInt(secondMultipleInput[0]);

        int b = Integer.parseInt(secondMultipleInput[1]);

        String[] thirdMultipleInput = bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" ");

        int m = Integer.parseInt(thirdMultipleInput[0]);

        int n = Integer.parseInt(thirdMultipleInput[1]);

        List<Integer> apples = Stream.of(bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" "))

        List<Integer> oranges = Stream.of(bufferedReader.readLine().replaceAll("\\s+$", "").split(" "))

        Result.countApplesAndOranges(s, t, a, b, apples, oranges);


Solution explanation :

  • In countApplesAndOranges() method we already have s as start point, t as end point, a as apple tree location, b as orange tree location, and list of apples and oranges location that are fallen.
  • So we have to simply count the total number of apples and oranges that are fall in sam's house (between start point s and end point t).
  • Loop through both apples and oranges list one by one and count all fruits that are fallen into sam's house location.
  • Define two int variable totalApples and totalOranges and initialize with 0.
  • Traverse loop from 0 to apples list size. check which apples are fallen into sam's house location. Increment totalApple, if apple is found in sam's house location. do same thing for oranges list.
  • Last, print totalApples and totalOranges variable values.

Output explanation :

s = 7, t = 11, a = 5, b = 15, apples = [-2, 2, 1], oranges = [5, -6]

  • totalApples = 0, totalOranges = 0
  • Traverse through apples list.
    • index = 0 | 5 + -2 >= 7 && 5 + -2 <= 11 becomes false.
    • index = 1 | 5 + 2 >= 7 && 5 + 2 <= 11 becomes true.
      • totalApples++ | totalApples = 1.
    • index = 2 | 5 + 1 >= 7 && 5 + 1 <= 11 becomes false.

  • totalApples = 1, totalOranges = 0
  • Traverse through oranges list.
    • index = 0 | 15 + 5 >= 7 && 15 + 5 <= 11 becomes false.
    • index = 1 | 15 + -6 >= 7 && 15 + -6 <= 11 becomes true.
      • totalOranges++ | totalOranges = 1.

  • totalApples = 1, totalOranges = 1


lets see another solution using java 8 

Solution 2 : Apple and Orange solution using Java 8

public static void countApplesAndOranges(int s, int t, int a, int b,
        List<Integer> apples, List<Integer> oranges) {
    long totalApples =
            .filter(apple -> (a + apple) >= s && (a + apple) <= t)
    long totalOranges =
            .filter(orange -> (b + orange) >= s && (b + orange) <= t)
    System.out.print(totalApples + "\n" +totalOranges);


Solution explanation :

We are using Java 8 stream filter() method for filtering out our condition data. if any condition is matched in filter method, it stores count in our int variable using count() method.


See other hackerrank problem and its solution in java :


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